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There are many reasons why you would want to modify your wargames. Here’s just a few of them.

Making the Game More “Complete”

Board games come in all shapes and sizes. Their game concepts are varied. They can be simple or complex. Much of this comes down to the designer’s choice. This doesn’t mean that the game itself is perfect, however. New ideas will change how a game is played, and great ideas make good games greater.

You’re also likely to find one or a few rules that never ended up mattering in your games. I remember reading what felt like “awesome” features in a rulebook only to find out it was impossible to use them in a way that made sense. This can be frustrating, since you’re left with the feeling that you’re leaving some part of the game untouched.

You Have a Good Game to Start With

Existing board games already offer you a coherent frame to work with. As such, you can quickly figure out what you can and can’t do to stay within the confines of the game. This is much easier than starting from the ground up.

Playing it Again and Again, All Over Again

Replayability is another reason to modify your games. If you enjoy Axis & Allies like I do, you realize that fixed starting conditions lead to repetitive games. Therefore, bringing new concepts breathes new life into the game. When done properly, this can completely shift the balance of play. You end up with a “new” game without having to spend money on another one. This helps both your budget and you don’t end up with one more box gathering dust.

Modifying strategy board games is a fun and rewarding experience. I suggest you give it a try. It may lead to that one amazing addition that you were hoping for !

So, How Should I Do It ?

If you like the sound of what I’ve written above, check out the “Asking the Right Questions” section to see what you need to consider to modify your games in the best possible way.