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Wargames Improved

Wargaming is a great way to spend time with friends. My friends and I regularly duke it out against each other, pitting our wits and gall to rule the world. Wargames are unique in this way, in my opinion.

Early 20th century games fascinate me particularly. This is a lesser known period than the more modern conflicts and, therefore, they offer you a great way to see the world in a different light.

As you play the same game over and over, you start to get a sense of its potential and its shortcomings. You can choose to see them as bothersome, or you can think of them as opportunities to make the game better. It’s also a great chance to get your creativity going and channel the inner game builder within you.

Over the years, I tweaked my favorite games to get the best experience out of them and it’s been a great deal of fun !

What Will You Find Here ?

This site is a collection of suggestions and ideas to help you customize your wargames. Recommendations, suggestions and game pieces you can purchase await you !